Hope To Be I was a sailor, I sailed the sea I had a simple life that was all mine, and look what it gave me I was a soldier, I went to war But didn't know what I fought for I was a tailor next, at twenty four I measured coats and pants and ladies' hats from yer head down to the floor I was a gaoler, but couldn't roam Because the gaol became my home I was a farmer next, back on dry land But fifty acres only four five years was all that I could stand I was a salesman, but couldn't sell, I was a fire fighter, and truck driver, none of them paid well. No home to go to, no domesticity No children to play with, no wife and family No one to cherish, and no legacy I was never all I ever hoped to be Nothing to plan for, just sweet serenity, No worries for the future, come raining down on me, No obligations or chance of misery, I finally became all I ever hoped to be